Second & third row: Bill Coulter, Lisa Coulter Snowbarger, Craig Coulter, Andrea Cox, Tim Snowbarger, Linda Weaver Elam, Eric Elam, Jo Ann Pepper Briggs, Kerry Briggs, Kerry's boyfriend (name unknown), Doris Cox Kutz, Richard Kutz, Diana Dresback Potter, Josh Potter, Naphtali Potter, David Dresback, Mark Dresback, Dennette Stutzky Dresback, Jim Dresback, Nathan Dresback.
Fourth row: Janelle Briggs Baca, Scott Briggs, Lynn Hilton Briggs with baby Nicole Briggs. Seated in front: Rebecca Dresback, Jonathan Dresback, Shelby Dresback.
Photo and caption information compliments of Karen Pepper Coulter (2007)
Just to let you know, that the home of Eltzholtz at Brahetrolleborg (the house was build to the family, at that time just half the size as it is today) is now a Bed & Breakfast.
See more at our webpage www.johanludvigs.dk.
Best wishes
Betty Jacoby & Henrik Jessen Toft
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